Talk to An Engineer


  • Real-World Forensic Engineering
  • 806.368.9811
  • 2309 19th Street, Lubbock, TX 79401


Accident Reconstruction

Although the term “accident reconstruction” is widely used in vehicular accident cases, we routinely employ state-of-the-art animation software to recreate and demonstrate the failure mechanism responsible for accidents in a wide variety of industries including, but not limited to, oil & gas exploration, manufacturing, aviation, electrical and electronic devices, refinery / petrochemical processes, and traffic accidents to name a few.  Our animations are not just pretty cartoons, but are based on physics of motion, projectile and impact mechanics, scene observations, and damage assessment to reconstruct the events leading up to an accident.  We can also incorporate into our animation various feasible alternative designs, procedures and/or actions that if properly implemented could have prevented the accident at issue from occurring.

Education and



Failure Analysis Workshops and Short Courses are abbreviated courses and training that cover topics of specific interest to the targeted audience. Short courses may cover portions of particular college courses that are relevant to the intended office, or examples of real-world case studies.

University Courses

Real-world Forensic Engineering Associates are not just consulting engineers. Most of our consultants hold full-time or part-time jobs as university professors, researchers, machinists, or other professionals.

Invited Talks

Invited talks can be arranged at corporate luncheons, organization events, happy hours, or other events and can be customized for a specific audience. As university professors, we are used to speaking in front of large groups on a variety of topics and would very much enjoy if you would make us a part of your next event.



Root Cause

The goal of many cases is to determine with reasonable scientific and engineering certainty the root cause of failure. This investigation process may include simulations, reenactments, and inspections of the equipment or materials involved in a case. One the root cause of failure is determined, efforts can be made to best prevent future occurrences from happening.



Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the most diverse subjects of engineering. Mechanical engineering deals with topics ranging from fluid flow to heat transfer, materials selection, and control systems.

Electrical Engineering

RWFE and its associates have applied Electrical Engineering expertise in assessing damage, research, design audits, intellectual property work, failure analysis, litigation support, expert witness work, and educational settings.

Civil Engineering

Our firm and our associates have assisted in many different aspects of construction and related projects over years. Since Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering often share some overlap in application.

Accident Reconstruction

Many cases involve issues ranging from simple failure-to-avoid up to component failures such as axles, driveshafts, tires, lug-nuts. These cases often include allegations of manufacturing and design defects and require expertise beyond that of an accident reconstruction expert.

Fire & Explosion Investigation

Our fire investigation team members are educated and experienced in the forensic and engineering sciences and well prepared to offer you strong and credible opinions based firmly in acceptable scientific principles and research.

Litigation Support

Many firms offer litigation support services to assist lawyers with highly technical aspects of their case. At RWFE, our litigation support activities relate to our areas of expertise.

Litigation and


Product Liability

Distinguishing between design, manufacturing, and warning defects can sometimes be a difficult task requiring knowledge of both engineering and the law. Initially, a clear distinction may not be possible without further investigation and design review.

Intellectual Property

Successfully pursuing patent and other intellectual property claims requires analysis of the specific design or product in question as well as the general state of the “art”. Patent infringement suits are typically defended firstly by claiming that the allegedly infringing product does not infringe or secondly by raising the invalidity defense.

Expert Witness

Working with RWFE provides our clients with expert scientific analysis, accident reconstruction, expert reports, and expert testimony.


Experts in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

     CALL US:    806.368.9811